Daily Emspirations
The Universe's Mechanics Demystified
Author: Jay Rubin
Daily Emspirations is an anthology of channeled writings that was inspired originally by a need to uplift a friend during a troubled time in her life. The word "Emspiration" has the positive energetic affect of combining two powerful words, empower and inspire. These daily texts of uplifting words from me to her lead to the compilation of a "mailing list" of other kindred spirits that I felt a calling to touch with a kind gesture and a dose of positive energy to kick off their days. As this routine became a staple in my life and that of my circle, the suggestion was made to me that it would be beneficial for me to share what I gleaned from my Reiki infused writing sessions with a broader audience on social media. Initially, I was resistant, as I was concerned about attuning the message's vibration to a general frequency for mass consumption. The deeper I pondered the opportunity to make a real difference by paying forward the gifts bestowed upon me with all those who are open to receive, I was able to transcend my concern and post freely, thereby aligning my actions with my intent and desired results. Over a year of daily posts lead me to realize that I would be remiss if I were not to compile the body of the writings in the form of a book to share through other avenues. My primary desire has always been to impart what has been taught to me with not just my immediate cohort, but to create a pathway to help bring an understanding of universal mechanics to a larger audience to help lighten their earthly load and raise the collective vibration for us all. It has been my dream from a young age to make a lasting difference in the world. I know in my heart that these messages I have been asked to carry forward are part of my journey, and I am eternally grateful for the loving support that I received along the way that made it all possible!
About the Author
Jay was born to this incarnation with a very specific purpose as his life’s calling, and to be honest, he was reluctant to return to Earth this time knowing what he did about the early stages of the journey he was to undertake. His otherworldly arrogance brought him back to a set of parents that he felt only he could help; he was soon proved to have bitten off more than he could chew.
From an early age, his plans were thwarted, as his presence did not manifest the sense of harmony he had expected in the family unit that his arrival created. He and his mother never truly bonded. While his father was a wonderful and nurturing caregiver, he was always up to some shenanigans that left his mother wondering what was really going on with their marriage. The energy in the house was never stable; in fact, it was volatile.
Jay’s parents divorced when he was eight. This was a true blessing in obvious retrospect, but the shock of coming home from a summer trip between second and third grade, visiting family in the countryside of Pennsylvania, was life-changingly painful to say the least. Jay’s dad, the only caregiver he had ever really known, drove off down the street after a strange family barbeque to helping his son settle back into his unexpected new life.
Jay’s grandmother, knowing what was in store for her grandson when he returned to California, decided to send her boy home with a pet to look out for him. Jay brought back a Pennsylvanian kitten that was later named Jefferson, who became his familiar and confidant. This gesture by his grandmother was the first of many that bolstered their relationship and heightened their bond, while further dismissing what little connection there was between Jay and his mother.
Jay’s mom knew that he needed some help to adjust, so she gave him what may be the greatest gift of his life – she took him to meditation classes where he learned how to look inward for guidance and strength. This leg up that she granted him was the beginning of his spiritual path and calling to help others with the tools he amassed along the way. He is forever grateful to her!
Through most of elementary school, Jay lived with his mother in a state of benevolent neglect, seeing his father on the occasional weekend. There was never any issue with how it was all working out; Jay innately knew his parents were doing the best they could with the tools they had. The blessing that granted stability to Jay’s young life was his “God-Family” who lived across the street. His best friend and his family all but adopted Jay, teaching him the dynamic of family, faith and connection.
Later in grade school and middle school, Jay bounced between his parent’s two households. His dad had remarried a young woman who did her best to augment Jay’s dad’s ill attempts at parenting with her own brand of authority that never truly resonated. All that said, Jay is still friends with his stepmother today, and truly thankful for the two siblings she brought into the world. Jay is very proud of them both and fully accepting of the augmented role he fills in their lives supplementing “Dad’s Way”.
Jay continued his meditation through high school and college, fostering continued growth and education both spiritually and intellectually. There was a long stretch where Jay planned to be a lawyer, because that was what he was told he was going to do with his life. At some point, the realization happened that being an attorney would not serve Jay’s highest and best purpose, so he opted to pass on law school after he graduated from college.
Instead of law school, Jay went into business with his father. You would think that all the red flags would have steered him clear of his father’s dark web, but the allure of being with his dad was too much to resist. Needless to say, the life lessons learned were costly, as Jay saw the damage his dad was really capable of inflicting on mind, body and soul.
Now knowing well that his father’s path was dark, and his mother was unable to lend any emotional support, he made his own way carving a path by forging relationships, building bridges and helping who he could along the way. Spirituality remained as the cornerstone of Jay’s existence. There were times where it may not have been in the forefront, but there was always a deep knowing that there was more than what meets the eye, and something much larger was in play looking out for his well-being.
Jay was blessed to meet his wife working at a summer camp where he knew she was “the one” when he brushed up against her the first time in a team-building exercise. The nurturing dynamic they have built together over the past 30 years is what Jay had in his mind’s eye when he first came to Earth to help his parents. Sadly, Jay may not have been able to help his parents in the way he felt he was originally meant to, but their actions, and sometimes inactions, have gifted the how-to, and how-not-to, that continue to guide his path as Jay raises his own son into the fine man he is becoming.
Jay has had the great honor to work with some wonderful masters along the way, who have shared the attunements that have transcended his experience to that of a Level Three Reiki Practitioner, or Reiki Master. This is Jay’s true calling; to heal and share the mechanics of the universe with all he can touch.
Jay has resided in Malibu, California for 30 years with his wife, Dana, where they raised their son, Tanner. Jay augments his spiritual practice with the earthly grounding of a physical workout routine that blends core focus, resistance training, stair climbing and miles of daily walking through state parks and beaches with yoga and meditation to unite mind, body and soul.